FERPA, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), is a federal law that protects the privacy of 学生教育记录. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under 一项适用于美国的计划.S. 教育部.

FERPA保护学生教育记录的隐私,并为学生提供 有权拒绝允许365彩票在线过滤(和其他教育机构)从 releasing or disclosing any information about them.

Students have three fundamental rights under FERPA:


教育机构需要制定相应的政策加以实施 FERPA的条文. At NMT, the Registrar is the steward of all current and former 已录取学生的学习成绩并已委托责任确保 that information from education 记录 is released only to those individuals and 机构:

在联邦一级,已经分配了管理FERPA的责任 to the Family Compliance Office within the 教育部.


At 365彩票在线过滤, FERPA applies to the education 记录 of:

A student’s FERPA rights begin on their first day of class at 365彩票在线过滤.


“教育记录”系指365彩票在线过滤以任何形式保存的记录 或格式(e).g. paper, electronic, digital image, film, video, audio tape), which contain information directly related 给一个学生 and are personally identifiable 给一个学生. 教育记录不包括:


  1. 如果你是在读学生或以前的学生,你可以检查你的教育 记录 by submitting an official request and obtaining an appointment to do so.  
  2. You may challenge inaccuracies or misleading items.  然而,你不能挑战 the fairness of a grade under this provision.
  3. 没有你的书面同意,你的记录是不会公开的365彩票在线过滤除外 school officials with a legitimate educational interest.  学校官员是代理人 在学校设有行政、监督、学术、研究或支持人员 position; members of school committees, boards and/or councils; and persons under contract to the school to perform a specific task, such as an attorney or auditor.  School officials have a legitimate educational interest in accessing or reviewing a student’s educational 记录 if they are:  

其他例外情况是遵守司法命令,或在紧急情况下涉及 the health or safety of a student or other person.  

  1. 当记录被发布时,接收人会被纳米科技通知该记录可能会 不能透露给第三方. 
  2. 除了向学校官员披露外,对披露的信息进行记录 学生没有书面提供的个人身份信息 同意. 

When can a student’s education 记录 be disclosed without the student’s 同意?

The general rule is that NMT may not disclose personally identifiable information 从学生的教育记录到第三方,除非学生提供 书面同意. However, there are several exceptions which may permit the school 未经同意从教育记录中泄露个人身份信息. Some of the more commonly invoked exceptions are described 下面:


有一个例外允许学校披露学生的个人身份信息 when the information is properly designated as “directory information.“目录 信息通常不会被认为是有害的,也不会被认为是入侵 隐私被披露. At 365彩票在线过滤, student directory information is defined as:

You have the right to withhold the 信息披露 of directory information.  任何请求 for such information from non-Tech persons or organizations will be refused. 纳米科技 将尊重您保留目录信息的要求,但不能承担责任 to contact you for subsequent permission to release it. 不管对…的影响 您,NM科技不承担履行您的指示,目录信息的责任 被扣留.  Should you wish for your directory information to 被扣留, please complete the following form and return it to the Registrar’s Office.

Request to Withhold 目录 Information


第二个例外是学校可以发布个人身份信息 未经学生同意擅自从学生的教育记录中抄送学校负责人 have a legitimate educational interest to access the 记录. FERPA权利则没有 supersede the financial obligation of a student, former NMT的学生或校友. 官方成绩单的要求将被扣留,直到所有的财务义务 支付. “学校官员”指:

“合法的教育利益”是指学校官员正在执行一项授权的 代表NMT在其权限范围内的任务或活动,并访问 教育记录是必要的或适当的,以满足学校官员的要求 professional responsibilities for the school.


FERPA包含一些额外的例外情况,包括但不限于列出的那些 下面. FERPA权利则没有 supersede the financial obligation of a student, former NMT的学生或校友. Requests for official transcripts will 被扣留 until all financial obligations 支付. Depending upon the exception, the institution 可能需要做出合理的尝试提前通知学生什么时候 educational 记录 are sought (e.g. subpoenas) and/or to permanently notate in the 教育记录与未经同意的披露有关的细节 一个例外.


此外,在废除或修订之前,有关行政、技术的指导 and physical security of data is identified in the 书面资讯保安 & 隐私政策.

What should I do if I become aware of a FERPA violation?

如果你无意中泄露了受保护的学生数据,或者怀疑其他人泄露了, 你应该立即发邮件 registrar@bikinganteng.com and provide a description of the situation.